
The Neuroanesthesiology, Otolaryngology and Offsite Anesthesiology Division engages in a number of research initiatives aimed at transforming care in neuroanesthesia and critical care. In the clinical realm, significant headway has been made in reducing postoperative nausea and vomiting following craniotomy. The division notably championed the use of adenosine-induced transient asystole for intracranial aneurysm surgery. Recent studies focus on mechanisms underlying anesthetic effects on the central nervous system, and optimizing analgesia after spine surgery. The basic science endeavors are led by Dr. David Warner, renowned neuroprotection expert and 2011 recipient of the SNACC Distinguished Service Award for his extensive contributions to the subspecialty of neuroanesthesia. Warner’s laboratory investigates novel approaches to neuroprotection in a variety of animal models. Dr. Michael “Luke” James, neuroanesthesiologist and neurointensivist, is pursuing basic and translational research into intracerebral hemorrhage, a common and devastating stroke syndrome. Dr. Miles Berger is attempting to decipher the mechanism underlying perioperative neurologic injury.

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