Fist Bump for Sophia Sourlis, MD, Niki Winters, MD and Gina Russell, MD

By Crosby Culp, MD


Drs. Sourlis and Winters’ incredible dedication and teamwork during a busy few daysdeserves recognition. Faced with four consecutive liver transplants, they took excellent care of our patients, seamlessly kept the transplants rolling, and supported each other throughout. 

Their positive attitude, energy, engagement, and tireless commitment was a benefit to me, the patients, and our surgeons. Despite the long and high intensity cases, they remained focused and fully invested, and exemplified the qualities that make our residents great. I would also like to recognize Dr. Gina ‘The Closer’ Russell, who after a string of days in the OR, provided relief for the fatigued call team and helped us finish strong. - Crosby Culp, MD
