Attending Duke Anesthesiology Grand Rounds serve an important purpose in our professional development as anesthesiologists. Grand Rounds offer a unique opportunity to expand our knowledge, stay updated with the latest research and advancements, and enhance our expertise by engaging in discussions with esteemed experts in our field. By attending these lectures, we gain insights into emerging techniques, evidence-based practices, and innovative discoveries that can directly impact our patient care. Moreover, Grand Rounds lectures foster a sense of camaraderie and collaboration among colleagues, allowing us to exchange ideas and learn from each other's experiences.
Duke Anesthesiology Grand Rounds
Duke Anesthesiology Grand Rounds occurs on Wednesday mornings from 7:00 - 8:00 am EST. Join us in Duke North 2001 Lecture Hall or virtually via Zoom. Weekly email announcements are sent with Zoom link information, speaker details, etc. If you have an active Duke email address and would like to receive these weekly emails, as well as upcoming event announcements, please email Danielle Corrigan-Webster.
Upcoming Presentations
March 26
Duke Anesthesiology Grand Rounds - Cancelled
April 2
Featured Presentations

Launched in 1987, Duke Anesthesiology’s annual Merel H. Harmel Lecture is held in honor of the department’s founding chairman, Dr. Merel H. Harmel. He led the department from 1971 to 1983 and is credited for developing anesthesiology into a distinct and valued specialty within the surgical landscape at Duke. This distinguished lecture is a joint Grand Rounds with Duke Surgery.

Academic Evening is one of Duke Anesthesiology’s annual flagship research events, aimed at advancing anesthesiology, critical care and pain management— ultimately enhancing the care of our patients. Since 1992, faculty, trainees and staff have gathered at this event to celebrate our scholarly activity and showcase scientific excellence. Each year, the department selects an anesthesiology colleague outside of Duke to preside as Academic Evening’s guest judge, who plays a central role in judging a cohort of poster abstracts and delivers the Academic Evening Grand Rounds lecture the following morning.
Critical Care Grand Rounds
Critical Care Grand Rounds occurs via Zoom on Thursdays from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST, and is led by Drs. Vijay Krishnamoorthy and Nazish Hashmi. Weekly email announcements are sent with Zoom link information, speaker details, etc. If you have an active Duke email address and would like to receive these weekly emails, as well as upcoming event announcements, please email Danielle Corrigan-Webster.
Upcoming Presentations
March 27
Critical Care Grand Rounds - Cancelled
April 3
Critical Care Grand Rounds - Combined with Anesthesiology Grand Rounds 4/2
April 10
Education Highway
Faculty and trainees within Duke Anesthesiology can access Continuing Education content, including Grand Rounds lectures. To access these resources, please click the “ENTER” button below.
A DHE username and password are required to access these resources. If you experience any issues, please contact the Anesthesiology Information Systems Help Desk for assistance.