Combined Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine (CCM) and Perioperative Medicine Pathway


Discover the Future of Anesthesiology with our New Fellowship Pathway!

We are excited to announce a groundbreaking opportunity for aspiring anesthesiologists: the Combined Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine (CCM) and Perioperative Medicine Pathway. This innovative 12-month track, within our ACGME-accredited Duke Anesthesiology CCM Fellowship, is designed to enhance your expertise as a leader in perioperative care.

Program Highlights:

  • Comprehensive Training: Spend nine months immersed in intensive critical care medicine and three months honing skills in preoperative optimization, perioperative risk management, and leadership development.
  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from the dual mentorship of our Duke Anesthesiology CCM and perioperative medicine program faculty.
  • Leadership Focus: Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to excel in the evolving perioperative continuum of care, including research and leadership training.

Application Details:

Positions open for the 2025-26 academic year.
Start date: July 2025!

To Apply: Send your letter of interest and CV to Autumn King, program coordinator.

Apply Today!

Join us in shaping the future of perioperative medicine. Apply today and take the next step toward becoming a leader in the field!

Nazish K. Hashmi, MBBS
Nazish K. Hashmi, MBBS
Fellowship Director

The Critical Care Medicine (CCM) Fellowship is an ACGME-approved program that provides a comprehensive one-year training program in both critical care medicine and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), leading to board eligibility in both CCM through the American Board of Anesthesiology and in TEE through the National Board of Echocardiography. We offer eight ACGME-accredited positions per year.

CCM Fellowship utilizes the SF Match process, under the sponsorship of the Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists (SOCCA). Please visit and for additional information.

To be considered for a Critical Care Medicine Fellowship position:

All required clinical education for entry into ACGME-accredited fellowship program must be completed in an ACGME-accredited Anesthesiology residency program, or a Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC)-accredited or College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC)-accredited residency program located in Canada.

Important Dates for the 2026-2027 Fellowship Application and Match Process:

  • November 4, 2024: Applicant Registration Begins
  • January - May 2025: Interviews Offered
  • March 1, 2025: Applications Due
  • May 27, 2025: Match Day

If you are interested in a one-year fellowship, please contact: 

Nazish K. Hashmi, MBBS

Nazish K. Hashmi, MBBS
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology
Program Director, Critical Care Medicine Fellowship
Department of Anesthesiology
Box 3094
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC 27710

Clinical Features: [9 months ICU training, 2 months CTOR/CTOR TEE]

  • 18 weeks in the Trauma/Surgical ICU at Duke University Hospital, including a full didactic program in point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) and Advanced Critical Care Echocardiography
  • 4 weeks in the Cardiothoracic ICU at Duke University Hospital managing postoperative cardiothoracic patients and patients receiving treatment with ECMO and advanced mechanical circulatory assist devices
  • 8 weeks in the Durham VA SICU, including postoperative management of cardiothoracic surgical patients; daily TEE exams; weekly TEE teaching conference
  • 12 weeks of dedicated TEE training, including 6-8 weeks providing cardiac anesthesia in the OR and remaining time covering TEE in and out of the OR
  • 2-4 week rotations in Medical ICU, Neuro ICU, and Palliative Care consultation service
  • Additional elective time may be available
  • Total echocardiographic experience that will significantly exceed current National Board of Echocardiography recommendations for qualification
  • Weekly Critical Care conferences, case presentations, and lectures covering the Critical Care core curriculum

All fellows will receive training in TEE both in the OR and in the ICU. Fellows will attain proficiency in echocardiography through hands-on experience coupled with weekly didactic sessions including lectures and case conferences.


Successful completion of the one-year continuum requires:

  • Nine months of clinical exposure in designated intensive care units
  • 60% attendance rate at mandatory conferences
  • Overall satisfactory evaluations of clinical skills

The goal of the Critical Care Medicine Fellowship is to provide trainees with background knowledge necessary for the care of critically ill patients and an appreciation of management issues unique to this patient population, in the perioperative period and elsewhere. Critical care medicine is a multidisciplinary field concerned with patients who have sustained, or are at risk of sustaining, life threatening, single or multiple organ system failure due to disease or injury. Critical care medicine seeks to provide for the needs of these patients through immediate and continuous observation and intervention so as to restore health and prevent complications. Fellows will become competent in all aspects of recognizing and managing acutely ill adult patients with single or multiple organ system failure requiring ongoing monitoring and support.

The objective of the Critical Care Medicine Fellowship at Duke University Medical Center (DUMC) and the Durham Veterans Affairs Medical Center is to provide complete training experience in all aspects of providing care to critically ill patients. Broad familiarity and expertise in the multidisciplinary approach to critical care medicine will be emphasized. Nine months of training in the intensive care units at DUMC and the Durham Veterans Affairs Medical Center are required; the remaining three months are dedicated to cardiothoracic TEE/OR training. Direct faculty supervision is provided. Didactics are emphasized with daily teaching rounds with attending intensivists from the departments of Anesthesiology, Medicine and Surgery. Weekly faculty led didactic lectures, bi-weekly faculty facilitated journal clubs, problem-based critical care board review, research seminars, sub-specialty pro-con debates, morbidity and mortality and ethics conferences are regularly scheduled. Fellows in Critical Care Medicine (Anesthesiology, Medicine and Surgery) participate in these formal didactic sessions. Ample opportunities to participate in ICU administrative duties will be made available. At the completion of training, the fellow will have gained proficiency in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of illnesses and will be able to function in the role of consultant intensivist.

Summary Goals and Objectives:

At the completion of the training program, the successful fellow will:

  • Demonstrate competence and professionalism all aspects of the management of the patient with critical illness
  • Provide evidence of proficiency in critical care procedures
  • Demonstrate the ability to function as part of a multi-disciplinary ICU team
  • Participate in bed triage, quality assurance, and other administrative functions required of a successful intensivist

Fellows will have the option of using elective time to gain expertise in Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) and Advanced Critical Care Echocardiography (ACCE), supervised by faculty with expertise in these fields.

Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS)

Fellows choosing to pursue the POCUS elective will participate in a structured curriculum that adheres to training guidelines endorsed by all three U.S. critical care societies (SCCM, ACCP, ATS). POCUS training will cover the following organ systems: focused cardiac; focused pleural/pulmonary; focused renal/GU; focused DVT; and FAST exam. To complete the POCUS curriculum and receive a letter of completion, the fellow will need to do all of the following:

  • Complete computer-based modules
  • Attend live lectures
  • Perform hands-on scanning in a workshop format
  • Perform hands-on scanning of ICU patients and submit written interpretations of findings to designated faculty
  • Submit a log of POCUS exams performed & interpreted that meets SCCM and Duke minimum standards

Advanced Critical Care Echocardiography (ACCE)

Starting in January 2019, the National Board of Echocardiography will release a new board exam in advanced transthoracic echocardiography targeted toward non-cardiologist acute care providers (mainly intensivists and EM physicians).  This board certification will be called: Advanced Critical Care Echocardiography (ACCE). Although the full details of the board certification pathway have yet to be finalized, it is known that achieving board certification in ACCE will require applicants to pass a cognitive exam and to submit a log of supervised studies. We will support fellows in the pursuit of both of these goals and have set up the necessary infrastructure to make that possible.

The fellow will participate in research projects in the intensive care units at Duke and the VA. Education in hypothesis development, study design, ethics of performing studies on human subjects, Institutional Review Board processes, and project funding will be incorporated into the training. The fellow will have ample opportunity to assist in obtaining patient consent and data collection. Opportunities for review and publication of results will be available. In addition, Journal Club conferences will be scheduled into the didactic program. The fellow will learn to critique published studies through critical review of journal articles. This experience will aid in the development of interpretive skills that will serve in the critical assessment of the medical literature.

Mentor-Guided Anesthesia Research Assures Skill Development In:

  • One-on-one mentorship  by a leader in anesthesia and critical care research
  • The ability to formulate clinically relevant hypotheses in critical care medicine and anesthesiology
  • Project design skills, to create achievable studies able to answer questions according to scientific method
  • Execution of research project
  • Introduction to statistical analysis techniques
  • Interpretation of results and preparation of a manuscript
  • Presentation of research at national meetings
  • Introduction to research funding and grants
  • Ability to critically evaluate the research of other investigators

In addition to its emphasis on learning patient care, the Critical Care Medicine Fellowship program is structured to provide opportunities in teaching, research, and administration. In learning to be a consultant, the fellow must learn how to be a teacher. The fellow will be asked to prepare formal lectures for medical student, resident, and fellow level conferences. The fellow will also provide daily teaching to nurses, respiratory therapists, and other ancillary personnel in the Intensive Care Unit. In the last several months of training, the fellow will be asked to act in the role of “junior attending” and will have increased responsibility in patient management decisions and teaching.

CCM fellows are mentored and taught by faculty from the Critical Care Medicine Division.

After graduation, Duke fellowship graduates enter either private or academic practice, which varies slightly with each graduating class. To get a first-hand account of our fellowship program, we encourage you to ask our current fellows or alumni about their experiences.

2024 Graduates

2024 CCM Fellowship Graduates
(L to R): Drs. Joseph Matthew, Kelly Ivins-O'Keefe, Faryal Ahmad, Andrew Kahng, Terrance Nowell, Kathryn Pearson, Miguel Rovira, Sandy An, and Andre Savadjian.
Fellows 2023-24 Where are they now?
Andre Savadjian Morristown Medical Center, Morristown NJ (Anesthesia Associates of Morristown)
Andrew Kahng WakeMed Hospital, Raleigh NC (East Carolina Anesthesia Associates)
Faryal Ahmad Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
Kathryn Pearson Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte NC
Kelly Ivins O'Keefe Brooks Army Medical Center and US Army Institute of Surgical Research, Fort Sam Houston, TX
Miguel Rovira University of California in San Diego
Terrence Nowell University of Tennessee at Knoxville

2023 Graduates

2023 Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Graduates
(L to R): Dr. Michael Cutrone, Dr. Rebecca Himmelwright, Dr. Tyler Poi, Dr. Yousef Ahmed, Dr. Rodrigo Pereira, Dr. Maximilian Hoffman, Dr. Ethan Garrigan, Dr. Bryan Chow
Fellows 2022-2023 Where are they now?
Yousef Ahmed Naval Trauma Training Center USC-LAC
Bryan Chow Duke Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology Fellowship
Michael Cutrone Duke Anesthesiology Faculty
Ethan Garrigan Duke Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology Fellowship
Rebecca Himmelwright Duke Obstetric Anesthesiology Fellowship
Maximilian Hoffman Brigham & Women’s Hospital Faculty
Rodrigo Pereira Duke Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology Fellowship
Tyler Poi University Texas South Western, TX

2022 Graduates

L to R: Dr. Daneel Patoli, Dr. Michael Martinez, Dr, Estuardo Saravia Fernandez, Dr. Matthew Li, Dr. Sean Moore, Dr. Megan Fah. Dr. Russell-John Krom. Not pictured: Dr. Blair Costin
(L to R): Dr. Daneel Patoli, Dr. Michael Martinez, Dr, Estuardo Saravia Fernandez, Dr. Matthew Li, Dr. Sean Moore, Dr. Megan Fah. Dr. Russell-John Krom. Not pictured: Dr. Blair Costin
Fellows 2021-2022 Where are they now?
Daneel Patoli Duke ACTA fellow
Michael Martinez Private practice in Texas
Estuardo Saravia Fernandez OHSU faculty
Matthew Li Duke ACTA fellow
Sean Moore Private practice in Illinois
Megan Fah Mayo Clinic Arizona faculty
Russell-John Krom Duke faculty
Blair Costin Duke faculty

2021 Graduates

(L to R): Dr. Quintin Quinones, Dr. Selby Johnson, Dr. Osa Obanor, Dr. Darryl Kerr, Dr. Sachin Mehta, Dr. Karl Kristianson, Dr. Jonathan Curley, Dr. Michelle McGauvran, Dr. Karuna Puttur Rajkumar
(L to R): Dr. Quintin Quinones, Dr. Selby Johnson, Dr. Osa Obanor, Dr. Darryl Kerr, Dr. Sachin Mehta, Dr. Karl Kristianson, Dr. Jonathan Curley, Dr. Michelle McGauvran, Dr. Karuna Puttur Rajkumar
Fellows 2020-2021 Where are the now?
Selby Johnson Private practice in San Antonio, Texas
Osa Obanor UT Health Houston faculty
Darryl Kerr University of Western Ontario faculty
Sachin Mehta Duke faculty
Karl Kristianson Kansas University Medical Center faculty
Jonathan Curley University of Virginia faculty
Michele McGauvran Private practice in Colorado Springs, UC Health
Karuna Puttur Rajkumar Wake Forest SOM faculty

2020 Graduates

(L to R): Dr. Lauriane Guichard, Dr. Michael Devinney, Jr., Dr. David Luu, Dr. Daniel Rosenkrans, Dr. Ingrid Moreno Duarte, Dr. Calvin Motika, Dr. William Fox (Not pictured: Dr. Andrew Villion)
(L to R): Dr. Lauriane Guichard, Dr. Michael Devinney, Jr., Dr. David Luu, Dr. Daniel Rosenkrans, Dr. Ingrid Moreno Duarte, Dr. Calvin Motika, Dr. William Fox (Not pictured: Dr. Andrew Villion)

2019 Graduates

(L to R): Dr. Peter Sophia, Dr. Chris Young, Dr. Joseph Graham, Dr. Meredith Whitacre, Dr. Duncan McLean, Ms. Jaime Cooke, Dr. Quintin Quinones, Dr. David Garcia (Not pictured: Dr. Kerri Lydon, Dr. Mohammadreza Rasouli)
(L to R): Dr. Peter Sophia, Dr. Chris Young, Dr. Joseph Graham, Dr. Meredith Whitacre, Dr. Duncan McLean, Ms. Jaime Cooke, Dr. Quintin Quinones, Dr. David Garcia (Not pictured: Dr. Kerri Lydon, Dr. Mohammadreza Rasouli)

2018 Graduates

(L to R): Dr. Sarah Kendall Smith, Dr. Martin Sigurdsson, Dr. Dinesh Keurian, Dr. Alex Reskallah, Dr. Matthew Bean, Dr. Nathan Waldron, Dr. Kathleen Claus (Not pictured: Dr. James Herbert)
(L to R): Dr. Sarah Kendall Smith, Dr. Martin Sigurdsson, Dr. Dinesh Keurian, Dr. Alex Reskallah, Dr. Matthew Bean, Dr. Nathan Waldron, Dr. Kathleen Claus (Not pictured: Dr. James Herbert)

2017 Graduates

(L to R): Dr. Suraj Yalamuri, Ms. Victoria Grossman, Dr. Chris Young, Dr. Hassan Amhaz, Dr. Nawar Al-Rawas (Not pictured: Dr. Vinca Chow, Dr. Thomas Christianson, Dr. Benjamin Dunne, Dr. Jamie Privratsky)
(L to R): Dr. Suraj Yalamuri, Ms. Victoria Grossman, Dr. Chris Young, Dr. Hassan Amhaz, Dr. Nawar Al-Rawas (Not pictured: Dr. Vinca Chow, Dr. Thomas Christianson, Dr. Benjamin Dunne, Dr. Jamie Privratsky)

2016 Graduates

(L to R): Dr. Eric Eiheli, Dr. Brian Titus, Dr. Chris Young, Dr. Haley Goucher, Dr. Sharon McCartney, Dr. Nazish Hashmi
(L to R): Dr. Eric Eiheli, Dr. Brian Titus, Dr. Chris Young, Dr. Haley Goucher, Dr. Sharon McCartney, Dr. Nazish Hashmi

2015 Graduates

(L to R): Dr. Arturo Suarez, Dr. Michael Fierro, Ms. Victoria Grossman, Dr. Chris Young, Dr. Shelly (Xueyuan) Wang, Dr. Ali Rashid, Dr. Mandeep Singh
(L to R): Dr. Arturo Suarez, Dr. Michael Fierro, Ms. Victoria Grossman, Dr. Chris Young, Dr. Shelly (Xueyuan) Wang, Dr. Ali Rashid, Dr. Mandeep Singh

The Duke Department of Anesthesiology is committed to cultivating a just and inclusive culture in which individuals thrive and are united in their dedication to alleviating suffering, improving health and well-being, and promoting social justice through excellence in innovation, education, research, service, and professional growth. Learn more about our fellowship programs and Duke Anesthesiology’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Program.

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