Duke Anesthesiology’s Critical Care and Perioperative Population Health Research (CAPER) Program launched in April 2019. CAPER’s mission is to improve the lives of patients undergoing surgery and critical care globally, through the conduct of large-scale observational research using rigorous population health methods.
Message from the Directors

Welcome to Duke Anesthesiology’s Critical Care and Perioperative Population Health Research (CAPER) Program! Through a foundation built on the rigorous methodologic principles of epidemiology and health services research, our unit aims to fill the gap between basic science research and clinical trials, by conducting high-quality observational research to advance knowledge in the care of perioperative and critically ill patients. We are comprised of a methods core (methodologists, analysts and data sources), subject-matter experts and a diverse membership who are all dedicated to advancing outcomes research in the fields of critical care and perioperative medicine. Through this, our goal is to improve health outcomes in perioperative and critically ill populations, both locally and globally. Please explore our website and feel free to contact us if you would like to be a part to this diverse and exciting group!
Core Operating Values
The following core operating values influence the culture and public image of the Critical Care and Perioperative Population Health Research (CAPER) Program as an effective organization to improve the public’s health through research, education, and collaboration.
With humility and curiosity, it seeks answers to questions posed by patients, families, clinicians, and others interested in the delivery of high-quality perioperative and critical care. The CAPER Program will conduct work with the following core values:
- Caring Attitude
- Respectfulness
- Integrity and Accountability
- State of the Art Practices
- Collaboration
- Education
- Financial Sustainability