David S. Warner Fund
Dr. David S. Warner, Distinguished Professor of Anesthesiology, was one of the world’s most respected neuroanesthesiologists. Help preserve Dr. Warner’s legacy within academic medicine by making a gift toward this newly-established professorship in his name at the Duke University School of Medicine.

William Maixner Fund
Dr. William “Bill” Maixner, the Joannes H. Karis, MD, Professor of Anesthesiology, was a world-renowned pioneer in pain research. Help preserve Dr. Maixner’s legacy by making a gift toward this newly-established professorship in his name at the Duke University School of Medicine.

Paul G. Barash Fund
Dr. Paul G. Barash, Professor Emeritus of Anesthesiology at the Yale School of Medicine, was a respected member of the Yale community for nearly 50 years with a special connection to Duke and our departmental faculty. Help preserve Dr. Barash’s legacy by making a gift toward this newly-established professorship in his name at the Duke University School of Medicine.

Duke DREAM Campaign
The Duke DREAM (Developing Research Excellence in Anesthesia Management) Campaign supports Duke Anesthesiology’s research programs and initiatives, providing our faculty the wherewithal to achieve great strides in the medical world. Please consider making a gift to fund innovative research and transform the future of patient care.

Global Health Program
Anesthesia plays a critical role in global health care, not only in times of crisis, but also in day-to-day events, such as childbirth. Duke Anesthesiology’s physicians and residents are committed to actively taking mission trips to achieve health equality worldwide. Please consider making a gift to support our global health missions abroad and make a difference in the lives of others.
- To ensure your gift is delivered to its intended destination, the most effective method for making a gift is online. Online gifts must be processed by 11:59:59 on December 31st in order to receive a tax receipt for that current year.
- Gifts made by credit card through US mail must be received at University Cashiering by 4:00 pm on December 29th in order to receive a tax receipt for that current year, as Duke University is closed on December 31st. Please note: Alumni and Development Records (ADR) must manually key these gifts by December 31st. Both ADR and University Cashiering are closed on December 31st, but donors can call ADR at (919) 684-2338 between 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM (Eastern Time) on December 31st to make a credit card gift.
- Gifts made by cash or check through US mail must be postmarked on or before December 31st and received at University Cashiering or ADR by 2:00 pm on Monday, January 6th in order to receive a tax receipt. Please be sure to designate your gift in the memo field of your check (ie: Duke Anesthesiology, Duke DREAM Campaign). IMPORTANT: End-of-year gifts should ONLY BE MAILED TO one of the following addresses (NOT to DUMC 3094 as this mailbox is not active during the holiday):
US Postal Service:
Alumni & Development Records
Duke University
Box 90581
Durham, NC 27708-0581
Express Mail:
Duke University Cashiering – ADR
Smith Warehouse
114 South Buchanan Boulevard
Bay 8, Room B-103
Durham, NC 27701
DEDUCTIBILITY: Duke University qualifies as a “public” charitable organization and meets the requirements of Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). Gifts to Duke are deductible at the highest limits allowed for federal income or estate tax purposes.
If you have questions about giving to any of these campaigns, please contact Stacey Hilton, director of communications at 919-684-8524 or stacey.hilton@duke.edu