Please consider making a gift today and supporting our department’s research initiatives focused on improving patient care.
Below are examples of the different ways you can make a gift to the Duke DREAM Campaign.
Click here to download our donation form. Make all checks out to “Duke University” and please be sure to indicate “Anesthesiology 3912613” in the memo field. Mail your gift and the completed form to the following address:
Duke DREAM Campaign
DUMC 3094, MS #48
Durham, NC 27710
Phone: (919) 684-8524
For donations made via check in the month of December, please see the “End of Year Deadlines” dropdown for specific deadlines and mailing instructions.
To obtain the Wire Transfer Notification Form and/or the DTC Stock Transfer Form, please email Stacey Hilton, the director of communications for Duke Anesthesiology. Please send the completed form/s to Stacey Hilton via email, and notify Duke’s Alumni and Development Records at (919) 684-2338 after you have scheduled an electronic transfer. If you are trying to meet a deadline, you might also consider charging your gift to a credit card or mailing a payment through an express carrier. Note that IRS regulations stipulate that contributions sent by private carriers must be dated based on Duke’s date of receipt, whereas gifts sent through the US Postal Service can be dated based on the postmark date.
- To ensure your gift is delivered to its intended destination, the most effective method for making a gift is online. Online gifts must be processed by 11:59:59 on December 31st in order to receive a tax receipt for that current year.
- Gifts made by credit card through US mail must be received at University Cashiering by 4:00 pm on December 29th in order to receive a tax receipt for that current year, as Duke University is closed on December 31st. Please note: Alumni and Development Records (ADR) must manually key these gifts by December 31st. Both ADR and University Cashiering are closed on December 31st, but donors can call ADR at (919) 684-2338 between 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM (Eastern Time) on December 31st to make a credit card gift.
- Gifts made by cash or check through US mail must be postmarked on or before December 31st and received at University Cashiering or ADR by 2:00 pm on Monday, January 6th in order to receive a tax receipt. Please be sure to designate your gift in the memo field of your check (ie: Duke Anesthesiology, Duke DREAM Campaign). IMPORTANT: End-of-year gifts should ONLY BE MAILED TO one of the following addresses (NOT to DUMC 3094 as this mailbox is not active during the holiday):
US Postal Service:
Alumni & Development Records
Duke University
Box 90581
Durham, NC 27708-0581
Express Mail:
Duke University Cashiering – ADR
Smith Warehouse
114 South Buchanan Boulevard
Bay 8, Room B-103
Durham, NC 27701
To make a recurring gift or pledge, please click here, “Continue to Payment,” select the “Recurring Gift” or “Pledge” button, and complete your gift information.
Duke employees can make charitable contributions to the university and health system by payroll deduction. Sign up through Duke@Work under MyPay.
Duke University qualifies as a “public” charitable organization and meets the requirements of Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). Gifts to Duke are deductible at the highest limits allowed for federal income or estate tax purposes.
Testamentary gifts are deductible at 100 percent of the value of the assets donated to Duke.
You may deduct gifts of cash (or elect to deduct only the cost basis of an appreciated asset) up to 50 percent of your adjusted gross income in a year. Gifts of appreciated assets may be deducted up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income. Excess deductions may be carried over for up to five additional years.
The tax benefits associated with specific types of gifts are included throughout the “Gift Plans” section of our website:
- Life Income Gifts
- Charitable Lead Trusts
- Bequests, Retirement Accounts, and Other Testamentary Gifts
The Internal Revenue Service web page on Contributions (Topic 506) includes links to IRS Publication 526 (Charitable Contributions), IRS Publication 561 (Determining the Value of Donated Property), and IRS Form 8283-Noncash Charitable Contributions (.pdf format). Other helpful forms and publications can be found throughout the IRS website.
The staff in Duke’s Office of Gift Planning can answer your specific questions and provide you with detailed gift illustrations that apply to your personal situation.
The most common form of deferred gift to Duke is a bequest contained in a person’s will or revocable (living) trust. Find sample language and more information.
Charitable Lead Trust
These trusts can be used to transfer assets to a loved one with a significantly reduced tax liability. Learn More
Deferred or Planned Gifts
A gift to Duke can be part of a smart financial plan.
Let the Office of Gift Planning at Duke University help you and your financial advisors develop a gift plan that meets your financial and philanthropic goals. A properly planned gift may help you reduce or eliminate capital gains and gift and estate taxes. You may realize immediate tax savings, as well. Click here to learn more about Gift Planning.
Endowment Giving
The mission of Duke University’s endowment is to support the people, programs, and activities of the university in perpetuity. Over the years, growth of the endowment through investment return and charitable giving has enabled the university to provide scholarships and fellowships to students, build faculty excellence, launch new programs and research efforts, and support a wide range of important needs. Learn more about endowment giving in this useful Q&A.
International and Foreign Currency Donations
Duke University greatly appreciates cash donations in any form, including foreign currency, US dollars drawn on foreign banks, or foreign “dollars.” Duke gives gift credit in US dollars for the value of the donation based on current exchange rates as of the day of receipt. Please consult your financial institution for information on current US exchange rates.
It is important to know that Duke incurs what can amount to substantial bank fees to process foreign currency gifts and checks drawn on foreign banks. Unfortunately, there are times when the fees associated with these types of gifts outweigh the gifts themselves. For this reason, Duke is only able to accept foreign checks of $100 or more. Click here to learn more about donating foreign currency to Duke.
If you are a UK taxpayer—even if you also pay taxes in the US—you may be able to significantly increase the value of your gift. Find out how the Duke UK Trust Limited can make your donation worth more.
Life Income Gifts
Life income gifts serve a dual purpose: They provide philanthropic support for Duke while also providing both a charitable income tax deduction and an income stream to you and/or your loved ones.
These gift vehicles can provide income benefits comparable to—or in some cases exceeding—those that might be earned in non-charitable vehicles. Many donors establish life income gifts with assets that are producing a very small amount of income, such as cash or appreciated stocks that do not earn dividends.
Matching Gifts
Many companies and foundations will double or even triple the value of charitable gifts made by employees and their spouses, board members, and retirees. To find out if a particular company or foundation has a matching gift program, please click here.
Personal Property
If you would like to donate personal property to Duke, please contact Alumni and Development Records at (919) 684-2338. Some gifts require an appraisal or advance approval in order to be accepted. Examples of gifts of property include tickets to athletic events, rare books, artwork, computer hardware and software, and laboratory equipment.
Real Estate
All gifts of real estate require prior approval by the university. A gift of real estate may be a principal residence or vacation home, a farm, a commercial building, a subdivision lot, or unimproved land. The gift may be the entire property or a fractional interest in the property. Duke’s Office of Gift Planning can walk you through the approval process. Learn More
Retirement Plans
Naming Duke as a primary or contingent beneficiary of a retirement plan (e.g. IRA, SEP, 401(k), 403(b), ESOP, etc.) may enable you to make a larger gift than you anticipated because income and estate taxes are not imposed when plan assets are distributed to Duke. Your retirement account’s plan administrator (the company that manages the account) can help you designate Duke University as a primary or contingent beneficiary on the plan’s beneficiary form. Learn More
Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds
Click here to fill out a form to notify us of your plan to donate securities to Duke.
This form allows you to declare your intention to make a stock gift so that Duke may credit your gift appropriately. You must contact your broker to initiate the actual transaction.
Upon completion of this form, you will receive a confirmation email, as well as transfer instructions and applicable forms that will assist you in completing your gift to Duke.