David S. Warner, MD, is a professor of anesthesiology, surgery and neurobiology. He joined the Duke faculty in 1994 and previously served as Duke Anesthesiology’s vice chair for research. In addition to being a practicing neuroanesthesiologist. His research interests represent a broad platform of both laboratory and clinical programs, focused on treatment of acute brain and spinal cord injury and advancing neuroanesthesiology. Current research is focused on highly translational preclinical development of therapeutics for acute brain injury using rigorous long-term outcome recovery models to define mechanisms of action and efficacy. Warner is a member of the editorial boards for Anesthesiology, Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, Neurocritical Care, and Therapeutic Hypothermia and Temperature Management. He is the 2005 recipient of the American Society of Anesthesiologists Excellence in Research Award, past-president of the Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care (SNACC), and the SNACC’s 2011 Distinguished Service Award recipient. He has directed postdoctoral research training with T32 awards since 1992 and received the 2011 Robert N. Sladen Teacher of the Year Award within Duke Anesthesiology. He earned his medical degree at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, and trained at the University of Iowa and the Laboratory for Experimental Brain Research at the University of Lund in Sweden.
About the Distinguished Professorship
Duke University established this professorship in 2005 to support a faculty member in the Department of Anesthesiology.