Duke Perioperative Research Seminar - "Sepsis, AKI and other ICU Syndromes: Why will nothing ever work?"

September 17, 2024
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Event sponsored by:

Department of Anesthesiology


Roxan Jean Mamac


MSRBIII at Duke University


John A. Kellum, MD, FACP, FCCM
"Sepsis, AKI and other ICU Syndromes: Why will nothing ever work?" Presenter: John A. Kellum, MD, FACP, FCCM | University of Pittsburgh | Host: Jamie Privratsky, MD, PhD | Duke Perioperative Research Seminar is held on the 1st Thursday of each month from 4-5 pm.

Duke Perioperative Research Seminar