Left to Right: John Borrelli, Drs. Miriam Treggiari, Atilio Barbeito, Joseph P. Mathew, Evan Kharasch, Padma Gulur, Annemarie Thompson, and Gavin Martin Chair's Council | Leadership Council | Division Chiefs | Administration | Education Leaders Chair's Council Atilio BarbeitoAssociate Professor of Anesthesiology John A. Borrelli, MBA, FACMPEChief Administrative Officer Padma GulurProfessor of Anesthesiology Evan KharaschMerel H. Harmel Distinguished Professor of Anesthesiology Gavin MartinProfessor of Anesthesiology Joseph P. MathewJerry Reves, M.D. Distinguished Professor of Cardiac Anesthesiology Annemarie ThompsonProfessor of Anesthesiology Miriam TreggiariPaul G. Barash Distinguished Professor of Anesthesiology Leadership Council Atilio BarbeitoAssociate Professor of Anesthesiology John A. Borrelli, MBA, FACMPEChief Administrative Officer Dan CantrellIT Director Jennifer Estrella DominguezAssociate Professor of Anesthesiology Adam Flowe, CRNAChief Nurse Anesthetist Jeffrey Charles GadsdenProfessor of Anesthesiology Nicole Renee GuinnProfessor of Anesthesiology Padma GulurProfessor of Anesthesiology Ashraf Samir HabibProfessor of Anesthesiology Edmund Hilton JoosteProfessor of Anesthesiology Michael Lewis KentAssociate Professor of Anesthesiology Evan KharaschMerel H. Harmel Distinguished Professor of Anesthesiology Stephen Matthew KleinProfessor of Anesthesiology Vijay KrishnamoorthyAssociate Professor of Anesthesiology Melinda F. MacalinoSpecial Assistant to Joseph P. Mathew, MD, MHSc, MBA Gavin MartinProfessor of Anesthesiology Joseph P. MathewJerry Reves, M.D. Distinguished Professor of Cardiac Anesthesiology Timothy Ellis MillerProfessor of Anesthesiology Mihai V. PodgoreanuAssociate Professor of Anesthesiology Dana RawlsDirector of Operations Neil Deep RayAssistant Professor of Anesthesiology Nicole ScourasMedical Assistant Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology Annemarie ThompsonProfessor of Anesthesiology Miriam TreggiariPaul G. Barash Distinguished Professor of Anesthesiology Kevin VorenkampAssociate Professor of Anesthesiology Division Chiefs Atilio BarbeitoAssociate Professor of Anesthesiology Jeffrey Charles GadsdenProfessor of Anesthesiology Nicole Renee GuinnProfessor of Anesthesiology Ashraf Samir HabibProfessor of Anesthesiology Edmund Hilton JoosteProfessor of Anesthesiology Stephen Matthew KleinProfessor of Anesthesiology Vijay KrishnamoorthyAssociate Professor of Anesthesiology Timothy Ellis MillerProfessor of Anesthesiology Mihai V. PodgoreanuAssociate Professor of Anesthesiology Nicole ScourasMedical Assistant Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology Kevin VorenkampAssociate Professor of Anesthesiology Administration John A. Borrelli, MBA, FACMPEChief Administrative Officer Dan CantrellIT Director Michael Lewis KentAssociate Professor of Anesthesiology Melinda F. MacalinoSpecial Assistant to Joseph P. Mathew, MD, MHSc, MBA Neil Deep RayAssistant Professor of Anesthesiology Dana RawlsDirector of Operations Education Leaders Warwick Aubrey AmesProfessor of Anesthesiology Brandi Anne BottigerAssociate Professor of Anesthesiology Sarah CotterAssistant Professor of Anesthesiology Bruce James DerrickAssistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Jennifer Estrella DominguezAssociate Professor of Anesthesiology John Bright EckAssociate Professor of Anesthesiology Amanda FaulknerAssistant Professor of Anesthesiology Nazish Khalid HashmiAssistant Professor of Anesthesiology Amanda Hong KumarAssociate Professor of Anesthesiology Grace Chung-Yee McCarthyAssistant Professor of Anesthesiology Abigail Hannah MelnickAssistant Professor of Anesthesiology Timothy Ellis MillerProfessor of Anesthesiology Adeyemi John OlufolabiProfessor of Anesthesiology Angela PollakAssistant Professor of Anesthesiology Annemarie ThompsonProfessor of Anesthesiology Ankeet Deepak UdaniAssociate Professor of Anesthesiology Peter YiAssistant Professor of Anesthesiology