The Multidisciplinary Brain Protection Program (MBPP) is committed to the discovery of novel therapeutic strategies with the translational potential to help improve the quality of life for patients with brain disorders. This program aims to provide a rich and supportive environment that will promote the development of interdisciplinary research projects among investigators with expertise ranging from basic molecular biology to clinical science. Within the program, a wealth of research resources – such as highly controlled animal disease models, well-established animal behavioral tests, a large collection of genetic mouse lines, and advanced in vivo brain imaging – is available to support rigorous, cutting-edge, and collaborative research. MBPP also provides training opportunities for clinicians who are interested in experimental neuroscience research.

Our mission is to discover novel and effective therapeutic strategies of brain protection and recovery through a deep mechanistic understanding of the pathophysiology that underpins brain disorders, with an emphasis on stroke.

We welcome any opportunities for collaboration. If you are interested in joining the Program and would like more information, or if you would like to discuss potential collaborative projects, please contact us.

We are always looking for talented self-motivated postdoctoral researchers, visiting scholars, and students who are interested in using experimental disease models to investigate pathophysiologic mechanisms and develop novel therapeutics. Interested candidates should send your CV and a brief statement of your interests to Dr. Wei Yang.

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