
The Women’s Anesthesiology Division has a strong commitment to resident and medical student education. Residents spend a significant portion of their CA-1 year in this division learning the fundamentals of anesthesia under the guidance of Drs. Jennifer Mehdiratta, Cameron Taylor and Jean He, who are responsible for resident rotations in obstetric and gynecologic anesthesia. In addition to mastering the fundamentals, residents are encouraged to pursue research ambitions, conduct QI projects, and present cases at national meetings. Residents also complete a senior rotation in obstetric anesthesia during the CA-2 year, and an advanced elective in obstetric anesthesia is available to CA-3 residents. Several members of this division are trained in simulation education and mentor residents and fellows in the Duke Human Simulation and Patient Safety Center throughout their training where they learn crisis management skills. Dr. Ashraf Habib is a third-year medical student mentor; several medical students spend their research year performing clinical research in the field of obstetric anesthesia under his mentorship.