Fellowship Director
The Women’s Anesthesiology Division has trained obstetric anesthesia fellows for more than 20 years and has maintained ACGME-accreditation since its inception in 2012. The fellowship has recently expanded from one fellow to two fellows per year. Each year, fellows receive rigorous training in the anesthetic care of high-risk mothers and fetuses. Many of our previous fellows have become division faculty, and others have gone on to obtain positions of national prominence at other institutions. Having faculty trained in both obstetric and cardiac anesthesia (Marie-Louise Meng) as well as obstetric anesthesia and critical care (Melissa Bauer), the program has attracted applicants for dual fellowship training in obstetric anesthesia and cardiac anesthesia or critical care medicine. Dr. Jennifer Dominguez is the fellowship program director; she also serves as the chair of the Sub-Committee on Pathways and Mentorship of the Society of Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology.