Research News

Dr. Achanta Awarded Grant for Novel Approach to ARDS

Congratulations to Satya Achanta, DVM, PhD, on being awarded a $199,962 grant to assess a novel intravascular membrane oxygen catheter, which may be beneficial for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

Duke Anesthesiology Solidifies Top-Tier Status in NIH Funding

The Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research ranks Duke Anesthesiology the #4 anesthesiology clinical science department in the country for National Institutes of Health funding, solidifying our standing as a leading research institution within the field of anesthesiology.

Anesthesiology Resident Earns Inaugural Research Award

Congratulations to Dr. Gina Russell, Duke Anesthesiology CA-3 resident, on being awarded the Society for Pediatric Pain Medicine’s Young Investigator Research Award for her study involving a novel pediatric cardiac surgery population.

A Community-Driven Approach to Sickle Cell Disease Research

Congratulations to Martha Kenney, MD, on receiving a one-year $125,000 grant from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute to develop a “theory of change” for community-driven research in sickle cell disease, ultimately contributing to reducing health disparities and improving patient outcomes.

Duke Anesthesiologist Among World’s Most-Cited Scholars

Congratulations to Dr. Ru-Rong Ji, professor in anesthesiology, on once again making Clarivate’s prestigious list of the most highly-cited researchers in the world. He is one of 23 Duke scientists and 6,886 global researchers on the 2024 list.

Duke Awards Collaborative Grant to Study Climate-Health Impacts

Congratulations to Dr. Vijay Krishnamoorthy of Duke Anesthesiology on being among the Duke/Duke-NUS principal investigators on a $200,000 grant for research aimed at assessing and forecasting the cardiopulmonary implications of extreme heat and wildfire smoke exposure in Southeast Asia.

That’s a Wrap! Highlights from ASA 2024

It was another successful American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) meeting for Duke Anesthesiology! View the photo gallery and read the full recap from Philadelphia!