Duke Anesthesiology Faculty Win Duke Innovation Award
Congratulations to the multidisciplinary team, which includes three anesthesiologists, on winning a 2022 Duke Institute for Health Innovation award for their novel project focused on enhanced decision support for perioperative care.
WTVD-TV Interviews Dr. Jordt About FDA’s Proposed Menthol Cigarettes Ban
Duke Anesthesiology’s Sven-Eric Jordt, PhD, speaks with ABC-11 about an FDA proposal that cites three key publications from his lab in its scientific justification of the ban.
Dr. Gulur Featured on WNCN-TV
Following newly-published research about product labels, Dr. Padma Gulur, director of pain management strategy and opioid surveillance at Duke, shares her expertise about how to prevent accidental acetaminophen overdoses.
Dr. Nackley Awarded NIH IGNITE Grant
Congratulations to Andrea Nackley, PhD, on being awarded a $1,106,152 Innovation Grants to Nurture Initial Translational Efforts (IGNITE) grant for her research aimed at developing a novel model for screening analgesics.
Dr. Achanta Receives Society of Toxicology Awards
Congratulations to Satya Achanta, DVM, PhD, DABT, on earning the prestigious Donald E. Gardner Inhalation Toxicology Education and Outstanding Early Career Scientist awards, recognizing his contributions to the field of toxicology.
Duke Anesthesiology Ranks Top Three in the Nation Among Specialties
US News & World Report ranks Duke Anesthesiology third in the nation for “Best Medical Schools for Anesthesiology” and the Duke University School of Medicine sixth in the nation for “Best Medical Schools: Research” in its annual rankings.
Duke University Hospital Team Earns Prestigious Award
Congratulations to Duke’s Total Parental Nutrition (TPN)/Nutrition Support Team, led by Duke Anesthesiology’s Dr. Paul Wischmeyer, on being awarded the prestigious American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Clinical Nutrition Team of Distinction Award.
Duke Anesthesiology Ranks Among Top 10 in NIH Funding
The Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research ranks Duke Anesthesiology eighth in the nation for National Institutes of Health funding ($7.9 million) among anesthesiology clinical science departments.
No Link Between Cognitive Changes, Alzheimer’s Markers After Major Surgery
A newly-published study with first author, Dr. Miles Berger, could help ease concerns that Alzheimer’s disease risk might be increased by major surgeries and/or general anesthesia.
Dr. Yang Awarded Grant to Study Immunosuppression Phenomenon
Congratulations to Wei Yang, PhD, FAHA, on receiving a $1,619,689 R01 grant from the National Institutes of Health for his project aimed at advancing post-resuscitation care and improving overall cardiac arrest prognoses.