Research News

Dr. Kenney Awarded NIH Grant to Study Sickle Cell Disease Pain

Congratulations to Martha Kenney, MD, on receiving a five-year $672,334 grant from the National Institutes of Health to identify the factors that predict severe pain outcomes in those with sickle cell disease to improve pain management strategies.

Dr. Bang Awarded NIH Grant for Craniofacial Pain Research

Congratulations to Sangsu Bang, PhD, on receiving a $322,000 R03 grant from the National Institutes of Health for his project that proposes a novel molecular mechanism for the resolution of tertiary pain, ultimately advancing the understanding of how neurogenic inflammation is controlled.

Faculty, Fellow Awarded NIH Grant for Chronic Pain Study

Congratulations to Drs. Andrea Nackley and Nathaniel Hernandez (fellow), on receiving a $128,409 fellowship grant from the National Institutes of Health for their project aimed at advancing the understanding of the epigenetic basis for chronic primary pain conditions and elucidating new therapeutic targets.

Dr. Serbanescu Earns Mentored Research Award

Congratulations to Mara Serbanescu, MD, on receiving the International Anesthesia Research Society’s Mentored Research Award for her project that aims to advance the understanding of how nutritional interventions affect gut microbiota, bacterial translocation, and immune and inflammatory responses in early trauma.

Dr. Treggiari Named Distinguished Professor at Duke

Congratulations to Miriam Treggiari, MD, PhD, MPH, Duke Anesthesiology’s vice chair for research, on being named the Paul G. Barash Professor of Anesthesiology at the Duke University School of Medicine – the highest honor that Duke bestows on its faculty members.

Duke Anesthesiology Faculty Awarded FAER Grants

Congratulations to Drs. Leah Acker and Elizabeth Malinzak on being selected as recipients of the 2023 Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research-American Board of Anesthesiology Research in Education Grant and the Grant for Early Medical/Surgical Specialists' Transition to Aging Research.

A Record-Breaking Academic Evening

An unprecedented number of 100 abstracts were showcased at Duke Anesthesiology’s 31st Annual Academic Evening, an event that aims to advance anesthesiology, critical care and pain management. Congratulations to all of the award winners!

Dr. Krishnamoorthy Awarded $3M Grant to Improve TBI Outcomes

Congratulations to Vijay Krishnamoorthy, MD, MPH, PhD, on receiving a five-year $3,093,447 R01 grant for his study to further understand the impact of autonomic dysfunction on multi-organ dysfunction following severe traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Dr. Devinney Earns New Investigator Award for Alzheimer's Research

Congratulations to Duke Anesthesiology’s Michael Devinney, MD, PhD, on being selected as a recipient of the New Investigator Award from the National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center for his project aimed at identifying mechanisms for postoperative delirium.

Dr. Nackley Awarded Novel Pain Therapeutics Grant

Congratulations to Andrea Nackley, PhD, on being awarded a $374,887 grant from the UNC Eshelman Institute for Innovation for her study that aims to advance promising new analgesics for chronic primary pain conditions into clinical trials.