Leah Acker, MD, PhD
Principal Investigator
Assistant Professor in Anesthesiology

Lab Opportunities

Postdoctoral Associate

Our lab is recruiting a post-doctoral researcher with training in neuroscience, engineering, psychology, or related fields.

Our lab is also looking for highly motivated graduate students.

Candidates with in-depth experience in electroencephalography, signal processing, or human experimental testing are highly desired.

Contact Us

Anesthesiology, Cognitive Neuroscience, and Engineering Research (ACkER) Lab
136 Sands Building
303 Research Drive
DUMC 3094
Durham, NC 27710
Office: 919-684-6427

Lab Description

Acker Lab Group Photo 2023
ACkER Lab Logo

The Anesthesiology, Cognitive Neuroscience, and Engineering Research (ACkER) Laboratory, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), operates at the intersection of neuroscience, engineering, and clinical medicine. The primary objective is to bring groundbreaking discoveries from the bench directly to the patient bedside. Dr. Leah Acker, the lab’s principal investigator, is an engineer, neuroscientist, and practicing neurosurgical anesthesiologist. She is dedicated to creating non-invasive, drug-free neuromodulation technologies that enhance brain function post-surgery, particularly for older adults. Overall, the ACkER lab is wholly focused on creating technologies that aid in patient recovery following major surgical procedures.

In our pursuit,

  1. We collaborate with patients to comprehend the elements that contribute to a complete and resilient recovery post-surgery.
  2. We analyze the basic principles of cognitive neuroscience to identify suitable targets for neuromodulation.
  3. We create "age-friendly" technologies aimed at addressing obstacles that range from surgery-related anxiety to physical pain and cognitive dysfunction.
  4. We thoroughly test non-pharmacologic, non-invasive neuromodulation technologies in patients. These tools aim to mitigate problems such as anxiety, inflammation, memory issues, and pain without causing medication-related side effects.
  5. We are paving the way in understanding brain-heart-immune connections as a unique approach to encourage resilience during the around-surgery period.

Would you like to take part in one of our clinical studies?

Please email hippie@duke.edu or potent@duke.edu to find out about our current studies.

Lab Members

Assistant Professor in Anesthesiology
Visiting Medical Student
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Clinical Research Coordinator
PhD Student
Undergraduate Student
‪Clinical Research Coordinator
Undergraduate Student
Associate in Research
Undergraduate Student

Lab Alumni

Undergraduate Student - Class of 2024
Undergraduate Student - Class of 2024
‪Clinical Research Coordinator
Undergraduate Student - Class of 2024

In the News

New Test Predicts Risk of Cognitive Dysfunction in Older Surgery Patients

New research led by Duke Anesthesiology’s Dr. Leah Acker and published in the British Journal of Anaesthesia reveals that a simple preoperative electroencephalogram measurement detects a signal of cognitive vulnerability when patients are asked to close, then open their eyes.

Duke Anesthesiology Faculty Awarded FAER Grants

Congratulations to Drs. Leah Acker and Elizabeth Malinzak on being selected as recipients of the 2023 Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research-American Board of Anesthesiology Research in Education Grant and the Grant for Early Medical/Surgical Specialists' Transition to Aging Research.

Dr. Acker Receives a “Strong Start” Award

Congratulations to Duke Anesthesiology’s Leah Acker, MD, PhD, on being among the four School of Medicine faculty members selected to receive a Physician-Scientist “Strong Start” Award, which supports the development of independent research programs.

That’s a Wrap! Highlights from ASA 2022

It was another successful American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) meeting for Duke Anesthesiology! View the photo gallery and read the full recap from New Orleans!

Dr. Acker Awarded NIH Grant for HIPPIE Study

Congratulations to Leah Acker, MD, PhD, on receiving a $322,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health to investigate the role of the aging brain-heart-immune axis in postoperative delirium.

Dr. Acker Earns Neuroscience Research Accolade

Congratulations to Leah Acker, MD, PhD, on being named the 2022 recipient of the William L. Young Neuroscience Research Award for her project that focuses on electroencephalography changes in anxious older adults awaiting surgery.

News from Duke University School of Medicine

Selected Publications

  1. Acker L, Ha C, Zhou J, Manor B, Giattino CM, Roberts K, Berger M, Wright MC, Colon-Emeric C, Devinney M, Au S, Woldorff MG, Lipsitz LA, Whitson HE. Electroencephalogram-Based Complexity Measures as Predictors of Post-operative Neurocognitive Dysfunction. Front Syst Neurosci. 2021 Nov 10;15:718769. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2021.718769. PMID: 34858144; PMCID: PMC8631543.
  2. Vasunilashorn SM, Devinney MJ, Acker L, Jung Y, Ngo L, Cooter M, Huang R, Marcantonio ER, Berger M. A New Severity Scoring Scale for the 3-Minute Confusion Assessment Method (3D-CAM). J Am Geriatr Soc. 2020 Aug;68(8):1874-1876. doi: 10.1111/jgs.16538. Epub 2020 Jun 1. PMID: 32479640; PMCID: PMC7429287.
  3. Vasunilashorn SM, Lunardi N, Newman JC, Crosby G, Acker L, Abel T, Bhatnagar S, Cunningham C, de Cabo R, Dugan L, Hippensteel JA, Ishizawa Y, Lahiri S, Marcantonio ER, Xie Z, Inouye SK, Terrando N, Eckenhoff RG; NIDUS Delirium Network. Preclinical and translational models for delirium: Recommendations for future research from the NIDUS delirium network. Alzheimers Dement. 2023 May;19(5):2150-2174. doi: 10.1002/alz.12941. Epub 2023 Feb 17. PMID: 36799408.
  4. David-Bercholz J, Acker L, Caceres AI, Wu PY, Goenka S, Franklin NO, Rodriguiz RM, Wetsel WC, Devinney M, Wright MC, Zetterberg H, Yang T, Berger M, Terrando N. Conserved YKL-40 changes in mice and humans after postoperative delirium. Brain Behav Immun Health. 2022 Nov 17;26:100555. doi: 10.1016/j.bbih.2022.100555. PMID: 36457825; PMCID: PMC9706140.


Hayden Kenney, Ava Rothrock and Dr. Leah Acker discussing data collection and analysis.
Hayden Kenney, Ava Rothrock and Dr. Leah Acker discuss data collection and analysis
End of term celebration with Ken Roberts, Emmalee Metzler, Kevin Xu, Ava Rothrock, Shelby the lab mascot, Hayden Kenney, Sloan Soyster-Heinz, and Izzy Kjaerulff.
End of term celebration with Ken Roberts, Emmalee Metzler, Kevin Xu, Ava Rothrock, Shelby the lab mascot, Hayden Kenney, Sloan Soyster-Heinz, and Izzy Kjaerulff
Sloan Soyster-Heinz, a member of our lab presenting at Academic Evening 2023.
Sloan Soyster-Heinz, a member of our lab presenting at Academic Evening 2023
Izzy Kjaerulff, a member of our lab presenting at Academic Evening 2024.
Izzy Kjaerulff, a member of our lab presenting at Academic Evening 2024
The ACkER lab at the 2024 Academic Evening
The ACkER lab at the 2024 Academic Evening
The ACkER lab on Halloween 2023
The ACkER lab on Halloween 2023
2024 ACkER lab luncheon with Dr. Evan Kharasch
2024 ACkER lab luncheon with Dr. Evan Kharasch
Travis Larson, Dr. Leah Acker & Sloan Soyster Heinz performing an EEG in the lab
Travis Larson, Dr. Leah Acker & Sloan Soyster Heinz performing an EEG in the lab
The ACkER lab celebrating in 2024
The ACkER lab celebrating in 2024