Maixner Pain Symposium Abstract Submission

Abstract submission instructions: Students and trainees are encouraged to present their latest and greatest research at the symposium. For those who would like to present a poster, please upload an abstract that includes 1) title, 2) author list, 3) author affiliations, and project summary (500 words or less). You will be asked to indicate that all co-authors agree to this submission. Poster abstracts are due by Friday, September 27th.

Poster Session
Confirm agreement to this submission by all co-authors

Six abstracts (3 in the basic science category and 3 in the clinical/translational category) will be selected for an outstanding research honor, recognized by a 10-minute podium presentation and award. If you wish to be considered for this honor, please indicate so on the submission portal. All levels (e.g., undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, graduate, postdoctoral, resident, and fellow) will be considered. The emphasis is on the quality and potential impact of the work.

Would you like your abstract to be considered for an outstanding research honor?
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5 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx.
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