Duke Anesthesiology Fist Bump

Fist Bump for LaNay Chambers

A big thanks to LaNay. She recently joined the team and has made enormous contributions to our team already! Thank you and welcome aboard. - Atilio Barbeito, MD

Fist Bump for Angela Pollak, MD

Angela took the initiative and got surgical scrub caps for all the faculty in the CT anesthesia division. She cleverly chose a pattern that is easily recognizable and suitable for the cardiac group. It warms my heart every time I see one of my colleagues in the periop area from a distance, easily identified by those unique red surgical caps. It’s a simple gesture, but it fosters that sense of community and reminds me how fortunate I am to be working with this amazing group. - Najm Mamoun, MD

Fist Bump for Terrence Allen, MBBS

Our new system of having two faculty covering L&D has required a lot of communication and team work between faculty that we didn't previously navigate. I want to acknowledge Dr. Terrence Allen for his excellent teamwork within the new system, for keeping the 30,000 foot view of the L&D unit patients in his vision at all times, as well as the needs of learners and CRNA team members. We are lucky to have a colleague like Dr. Allen. - Jennifer Dominguez, MD

Fist Bump for Anne Walker, MD and Tori Holmes, CRNA

Dr. Walker and Tori Holmes, CRNA, should be acknowledged for their positive attitudes and hard work on a particularly busy OB night shift last week. They were both tireless and didn't falter in providing compassionate, engaged care to our obstetric patients, even at the end of a very long shift. I was grateful to have both of them on the team that night! - Jennifer Dominguez, MD

Fist Bump for Alina Nicoara, MD

Alina dropped off a complex CV patient all by herself in the ICU so that her resident could be free to attend lecture. She is always looking out for resident well-being. - Anonymous

Fist Bump for John Hsia, MD and Jamie Roper, MD

Special thanks to Dr. John Hsia (faculty) and Dr. Jamie Roper (pain fellow) who performed an intrathecal pump refill on a patient who was admitted for a critical illness. Also, thank you to Drs. Tom Van de Ven, Yuriy Bronshteyn and Dail Ciani, NP, for coordinating this effort prior to the refill. - Kevin Vorenkamp, MD

Fist Bump for Eugene Moretti, MD

Gene deserves a shout out for his willingness to help his colleagues. He was in the OR doing research one day when I was busy starting two rooms that both had a lot of procedures, simultaneously. One patient was a study patient, whom he had completed the study work on. He pitched in and got the case started, which was good for the patient, the resident and me! - Catherine Kuhn, MD

Fist Bump for Crystal Autry

I want to give a huge Fist Bump to Crystal who has jumped right in and assisted me with the onboarding process for our new faculty and ensured that their experience is nothing but the best! She is a team player and always goes above and beyond when given the opportunity. Thank you Crystal for all that you do! - Samantha Teabout

Fist Bump for Joshua Dooley, MD

Huge thanks to Josh Dooley for exemplifying cool and calm leadership while directing the resuscitation and airway management of a life-threatening arterial hemorrhage. Josh saved the patient's life with his quick decision-making and ability to mobilize resources in the heat of a crisis, and brought order to a chaotic situation that--if it were not for Dr. Dooley--would undoubtedly have ended very poorly. Thanks, Josh, for showing us (and our nursing and surgical colleagues) what leadership looks like in a crisis. - Jeffrey Gadsden, MD

Fist Bump for Kelsey Getzloff, CRNA

Even though she wasn’t assigned to L&D, Kelsey went above and beyond and came up to L&D to give us a hand when we had a very busy day with many urgent add-on cases. - Liliane Ernst, MD