Fist Bump for Sophia Dunworth, MD
Sophia Dunworth was an amazing teacher for orientation. She met us at 5:45 AM on our first day to show us around, help us get scrubs, and set up our rooms. She even brought us coffee! She was very patient with us and walked us through the whole process. Could not ask for anything more! - Niki Winters, MD
Fist Bump for Ronan Walker
Thank you for getting back to us so quickly and figuring out answers. Even though you are new, you are jumping right in and it is very appreciated!! - Niki Winters, MD
Fist Bump for Michael Martinez, MD
Michael Martinez was an essential team player during a challenging peri-arrest during induction/tube exchange. Michael was the echo fellow for the case; he stayed and was incredibly calm, poised and helpful. He anticipated next steps and even helped transport the patient. While we have many excellent trainees, not many would have stayed willingly through all of the controlled chaos. He really stepped up and took ownership with us. - Angela Pollak, MD
Fist Bump for Megan Fah, MD
I want to give Megan a shout-out for taking the time to come to the CTICU and help with oral board prep multiple times, even staying late to do so when she could have gone home early on the weekend. She is awesome and I just wanted to make sure that got passed along! - Russell-John Krom, MD
Fist Bump for Clay Elliot, Emmalee Metzler, Isaac Oyediran, Hayden Rigsbee, Carrie Schlabaugh
Congratulations to the Osprey team for their extraordinary teamwork that lead to 37 consented and 30 patients enrolled in Osprey in September!! Your hard work of calling and reaching out to countless patients week after week, managing the ever-changing case times, and tracking surveys to ensure quality data goes above and beyond the call of duty. We are proud to have you all on our team!! - Alice Szydlowska, BS, MBA, CCRC and the entire CRU Management Team
Fist Bump for Jennifer David, PhD, Ravikanth Velagapudi, PhD, Pau Yen Wu, PhD
For National Postdoc Appreciation Week (9/20 to 9/24, 2021), I want to express my sincere gratitude to the tireless work that my current postdocs are contributing to my lab. Thank you Ravi, Jenny and Yen for your insights, dedication and camaraderie! - Niccolò Terrando, BSc (hons), DIC, PhD
Fist Bump for Christopher Keith and Stacey Hilton
A fist bump for the hard work to get the new ACES webpage up and running! Chris Keith has created a new logo and figures for, and formatted a brand new ACES webpage. Stacey has overseen production of the webpage and produced media for the webpage. This was all done under a fairly quick timeline due to the upcoming applicant season. The webpage is set to go live soon and will be a great addition to the website for applicants interested in research. - Jamie Privratsky, MD
Fist Bump for Lisa Einhorn, MD, Guy Dear, MA, MB, Kelly Machovec, MD
The mentioned pediatric anesthesia members had a fabulous "just get it done" attitude as they recently scrambled to be able to provide anesthesia coverage to a complex adult congenital cardiac patient. I love being part of such a caring team and great department. - Edmund Jooste, MB ChB
Fist Bump for Samantha Teabout
I'd like to give a fist bump to Sam Teabout for her help solving urgent onboarding issues for our perioperative medicine fellow. She went above and beyond the scope of her job to solve the issues. It doesn't matter if it's her job or not, she is always there to help. Thank you, Sam! - Christopher Keith
Fist Bump for Lori Jones, MD (CA-3) and Reade Tillman, MD (CA-2)
Lori did an outstanding job managing an extremely busy call night. She remained calm and focused while personally caring for a trauma patient and running the floor. Reade managed a busy night of cases and an unanticipated scenario with confidence and ease. It was great to know that I could count on them! - Jeanna Blitz, MD