Fist Bump for Polly Hurlburt
For the second year in a row, the Pre-K students at Ravenscroft made a toy donation to Duke Child Life Services. As a service project in honor of MLK Day, the Pre-K students collect toys for hospitalized children. Our Child Life team is so grateful for the fantastic collection of toys and games to share with our patients. What a wonderful way to teach Pre-K students about community service, and a beautiful way to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. - Andrea Udani, MD
Fist Bump for Teena Wyatt and Jenifer Crompton
Teena and Jenifer have done such an amazing job managing the Critical Care Medicine Fellowship. They have streamlined the interview process during application season and have gone above and beyond to support the faculty and fellows who are involved in recruitment. I want to acknowledge their hard work and the amazing energy that they bring to all of our fellowships. Thank you Teena and Jen for everything that you do. - Nazish Hashmi, MD
Fist Bump for Carrie Holbert
Carrie has been amazing supporting a multifaceted grant submission and being a strong team player. Thank you for the hard work, dedication, patience, and persistence to get this submission through the finish line. - Miriam Treggiari, MD, PhD, MPH
Fist Bump for Jessica Bezdziecki, CRNA
Big thanks to Jessica for coming in to help with many emergencies in the OR on L&D over the holiday! We truly appreciate all the team work in keeping these laboring ladies safe and cared for! - Kristal Barbee, CRNA
Fist Bump for Jennifer Easterling, CRNA
Thanks so much for coming to L&D over the holiday and placing an epidural on all of the laboring ladies on the floor while the three of us assigned to L&D managed many simultaneous emergencies! Without you, many would have been in pain. - Kristal Barbee, CRNA
Fist Bump for Leah Acker, MD, Kristal Barbee, CRNA, Jessica Bezdziecki, CRNA, Jennifer Easterling, CRNA, and Suhas Kochat, MD
Thank you to the amazing L&D and Duke North (DN) team for keeping our moms and babies safe! Kristal and Dr. Kochat did an amazing job taking care of two complex patients in emergent situations. Thank you to the DN team (Dr. Acker, Jennifer and Jessica) for coming up to help and making sure that our very full and active unit was well looked after while my team was busy actively caring for the other two patients for the majority of the night! - Mary Yurashevich, MD
Fist Bump for Sarah Kempel, CRNA
Thanks for coming in on your day off Christmas week to help out! - Erin Johnson, CRNA
Fist Bump for Sujatha Cumaran, MD
I wanted to pass along how impressed I have been with the performances of one of the anesthesia interns, Dr. Sujatha Cumaran, on the general pulmonary service. As a nocturnist, I get to interact with a lot of interns, and she seems far ahead of the curve on all counts – her clinical thinking is very organized, she is excellent at quickly incorporating new information into her treatment plans, and she demonstrates a lot of compassion and respect for her patients.
Fist Bump for Christian Keville
A big thank you to our anesthesia technician, Christian Keville. While working an overnight, Christian used his limited downtime to meticulously set-up my operating room for the morning case. I had the pleasant surprise of walking in that morning to find that much of my usual preparation had already been done minutes before. Additionally, his setup showed a deep understanding of the needs of the (pediatric) case—he had set out both my intended primary airway equipment, as well as the relevant rescue/secondary equipment.
Fist Bump for Emily Masterson, MD
Emily and I had a rather busy day in ECT. In each case, she made a point to try and engage each patient and became a pro at bag-mask ventilating. One of our patients was a very challenging case both in terms of psychiatric acuity and inadvertent loss of IV access. Emily took it in stride and didn't let the stressful case shake her. She picked up right where we left off with the next patient, ultimately caring for 18 patients that day! Great job, Emily! - Amanda Faulkner, MD