Duke Human Simulation and Patient Safety Center
8 Searle Center Dr.
Suite 5010, 5th Floor, Trent Semans Center
DUMC Box 3094
Durham, NC 27710
The Duke Human Simulation and Patient Safety Center is located on the fifth floor of the Trent-Semans Center for Medical Education in the heart of the Duke University medical campus. Visitors to the Center should park in the Duke Medicine Circle Parking Garage (Trent Drive).

- Exit the garage and cross Trent Drive
- Walk through the Healing Garden and follow the walkway between the Cancer Center and Duke Medical Pavilion
- The Trent Semans Center will be on your right. From the main entrance, walk through the lobby to the elevator on the right. Take the elevator to the fifth floor.
- Use the tunnel from the Parking Garage II (corner Erwin Rd. and Fulton St.) or enter Duke North from the main entrance on Erwin Road.
- Walk through the main lobby and make a right just before the elevators. Take the second of two corridors to the left (the one with dining tables and large windows).
- Exit the hallway through double doors on the right and follow the breezeway around the front of the Seeley-Mudd Library / Searle Center. Pass the entrance to the Seeley-Mudd Library / Searle Center and enter the Trent Semans Center via the doors on the left. The elevator will be to the left as you enter the building. Take it to the fifth floor.