
R21NS082985-01 (PI: Xu, ZZ)
Resolution of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy by novel lipid mediator
NIH- National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
The goal of this project is to test whether the anti-inflammatory and pro-resolution lipid mediator can prevent and reverse chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain.

R01 DE022743-01 (PIs: Ji, RR and Nedergaard, M)
Hemichannels, astrocytic release, and neuropathic pain
NIH-National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)
The goal of this grant is to investigate how the hemichannels control the astrocytic release, spinal cord synaptic transmission, and neuropathic pain.

DOD: PT110575-01 (PIs: Buchheit T, Shaw A, Van de Ven T)
Regional Anesthesia and Valproate Sodium for the Prevention of Chronic Post-Amputation Pain
DOD-Department of Defense
The goal of this project is to use a clinical trial and nested metabolomics, epigenomics and gene expression analysis to dissect mechanisms that may prevent the development of chronic pain after amputation, including identification of the role of DNA methylation and genetic variation in the differential response to sodium valproate treatment in soldiers returning from OIF/OEF.

R01 DE017794-02 (PI: Ji, RR)
Neuronal and glial interaction of neuropathic pain
NIH-National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)
The major goal of this project is to define how neuronal signal activates microglia after nerve injury to trigger neuropathic pain.

R01GM06458-03 (PI: Tracey, WD)
A Genome-Wide Analysis of Nociception Molecules from Expression to Function
NIH- National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
The purpose of this project is to test the function of genes whose expression is enriched in nociceptor neurons.

DOD DMRDP-03 (PIs: Shaw A, Buchheit T, MacLeod, D)
DMRDP: Defense Medical Research and Development Program
To study pain in soldiers with traumatic amputations returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. The goal of the DMRDP is to advance the state of medical science in those areas with the most pressing need and relevance to today’s battlefield experience. The study will involve differentiating the types of chronic amputation pain by using proteomics and gene sequencing.

R01 NS067686-04 (Transformative R01) (PIs: Ji, RR and Serhan, CN)
Resolvins, protectins, and resolution of chronic pain
NIH- National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
The overall goal of this application is to investigate whether and how the lipid mediators resolvins can protect neuropathic pain after nerve trauma.